023- 3 Signs You are a Spiritual Teacher


Ligia Costa

3 Signs You Were Born to Be a Spiritual Teacher

The Soulcery Podcast with Ligia Costa, a Path of Soul Remembering Trailer EpisodeThe Soulcery Podcast with Ligia Costa, a Path of Soul Remembering Trailer Episode
TRUST Journaling Deck by Ligia CostaTRUST Journaling Deck by Ligia Costa

T.R.U.S.T ™ Journaling Deck

Connect with your inner voice and explore profound questions that will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Uncover your True Self eBook by Ligia CostaUncover your True Self eBook by Ligia Costa

Uncover your True Self

Discover your authentic self and break free from limitations with Ligia Costa's e-book, "Uncover Your True Self."

Welcome to The Soulcery Podcast, a sanctuary where we will share conversations around healing, soul remembering and spirituality.

In this episode of The Soulcery Podcast, Lígia Costa explores the profound signs that indicate someone is destined to be a spiritual teacher. Lígia breaks down three key signs, and how you can learn how to guide others towards light, love, and truth.

For more inspiration, please feel free to connect on social media:
: www.instagram.com/iamligiacosta

  1. Grasping Spiritual Understanding Effortlessly:

    • Embrace the joyous revelation that spiritual understanding comes naturally, a built-in gift that fuels their passion for teaching.

  2. Heart of a True Spiritual Teacher:

    • Explore the vastness of a spiritual teacher's heart, commitment and sharing of wisdom, extending its love to all of divinity and humanity.

  3. Sensitivity Yet Deep Groundedness:

    • Witness the art of picking battles wisely and choosing moments of stillness in the midst of chaos.

  4. Never Playing the Role of Judge:

    • Discard judgment as a tool of understanding, recognizing its potential to cloud the true essence of teaching.

  5. Non-Material Focus and Essence of Joyful Giving:

    • Recognize the spiritual teacher's indifference to material pursuits that don't bring love, peace, joy, or happiness.

Embrace the cosmic calling within. Recognize each step as a dance with the universe, harmonizing with the cosmic symphony. Thank you for joining us on this profound exploration.

Stay tuned for more insightful episodes, and remember, the journey to self-discovery is a continuous dance with the universe.


The Soul Inquiry for this episode is:

The essence of me shines through


I have everything I need within



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