014- Benefits of Aligning with Soul’s Purpose


Ligia Costa

5 Benefits of Aligning with Your Soul’s Purpose

The Soulcery Podcast with Ligia Costa, a Path of Soul Remembering Trailer EpisodeThe Soulcery Podcast with Ligia Costa, a Path of Soul Remembering Trailer Episode
TRUST Journaling Deck by Ligia CostaTRUST Journaling Deck by Ligia Costa

T.R.U.S.T ™ Journaling Deck

Connect with your inner voice and explore profound questions that will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Uncover your True Self eBook by Ligia CostaUncover your True Self eBook by Ligia Costa

Uncover your True Self

Discover your authentic self and break free from limitations with Ligia Costa's e-book, "Uncover Your True Self."

Welcome to The Soulcery Podcast, a sanctuary where we will share conversations around healing, soul remembering and spirituality.

In this transformative episode, we delved into the profound impact of aligning with your soul's purpose. Host Lígia Costa, a Self-Healing Guide and Soul Calling Reader, takes you on a journey of self-discovery, highlighting the incredible benefits of living in alignment with your authentic self. From stopping wasted time to redefining success, each point underscored the importance of tapping into your true calling.

For more inspiration, please feel free to connect on social media:
: www.instagram.com/iamligiacosta

  • Unlocking Joy: The Power of Soul Alignment

    • Explore the joy that emanates from aligning with your soul's purpose.

  • Stop Wasting Time: Embrace Your Soul's Purpose

    • Discover how soul alignment helps in making the most of your time and living a purpose-driven life.

  • Definitive Directions: Find Clarity through Soul Calling

    • Gain insights into the clarity and direction that aligning with your soul's calling provides.

  • Inner Joy Unleashed: Happiness in Soul Alignment

    • Learn how true happiness arises from within and becomes a constant companion in soul alignment.

  • Raising Hopes: Fuel Your Journey with Soul Purpose

    • Understand how aligning with your soul's purpose raises hopes and fuels motivation.

  • Redefining Success: Your Path in Soul Alignment

    • Break free from societal expectations and redefine success on your terms through soul alignment.

  • Living Regret-Free: Transformative Power of Soul Purpose

    • Explore how soul alignment helps in making choices aligned with values, leading to a regret-free life.

  • Journey to Self: Discovering Soul's True Calling

    • Embrace the transformative and personal journey of aligning with your soul's purpose.

Soul Calling Blueprint Reading: This personalized service combines your natal chart, numerology map, and Human Design to create a comprehensive report, offering insights into your passions, talents, and natural gifts, and suggesting optimal career paths. A roadmap crafted specifically for you to navigate towards the fulfilment of your soul's calling.

How to Access the Soul's Calling Imprint Service:

Visit this link to unveil the treasures imprinted in your soul's DNA.

This comprehensive reading includes your:

  • Natal Chart

  • Astrology

  • Number's Code

  • Numerology Chart

  • Personal Year Number

  • Human Design Chart

  • Personalized affirmations

  • Keyword list

Discover the treasures within your soul and embark on a journey of self-discovery and alignment. Your authentic self awaits here!


The Soul Inquiry for this episode is:

What is or is not occurring in my life that is causing me to feel upset?


I trust everything is always working out for me



Website - www.ligiacosta.co.uk
Instagram - www.instagram.com/iamligiacosta
Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/therealmofthegoddess
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LigiaCosta

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and join us on a transformational voyage of self-discovery and soul healing. Your spiritual journey begins here.

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