026- Beyond the Mirror: My Weight, My Worth


Ligia Costa

Beyond the Mirror: My Weight, My Worth

The Soulcery Podcast with Ligia Costa, a Path of Soul Remembering Trailer EpisodeThe Soulcery Podcast with Ligia Costa, a Path of Soul Remembering Trailer Episode
TRUST Journaling Deck by Ligia CostaTRUST Journaling Deck by Ligia Costa

T.R.U.S.T ™ Journaling Deck

Connect with your inner voice and explore profound questions that will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Unshakable Self-Worth Course by Ligia CostaUnshakable Self-Worth Course by Ligia Costa

Unshakable Self-Worth

Designed for women struggling with confidence, self-doubt, and negative inner voices, this training addresses the core of low self-worth. Break free from the cycle of self-doubt and foster a life of radiance, resilience, and unwavering self-worth.

Welcome to The Soulcery Podcast, a sanctuary where we will share conversations around healing, soul remembering and spirituality.

In this episode, join me, Lígia Costa, on a deeply personal journey of self-worth and the struggles with weight. I share the raw and vulnerable moments of my life, from the echoes of childhood to the profound impact of loss. Explore the emotional landscape of navigating societal expectations, mental health challenges, and the profound healing that comes with accepting oneself. Discover the power of rewriting narratives, embracing self-love, and finding worth beyond physical appearances.

For more inspiration, please feel free to connect on social media:
: www.instagram.com/iamligiacosta

Today's episode is a deeply personal journey that I've hesitated to share. It's about self-worth, struggles with weight, and the transformative power of rewriting our own narratives.

Episode Highlights:

  • Childhood Echoes: I opened up about the impact of an abusive childhood and the lasting words that shaped my early perception of self-worth.

  • Dance with Anorexia: A candid reflection on my teenage years, battling anorexia, and persistent dissatisfaction despite drastic weight loss.

  • Motherhood and Weight Fluctuations: How becoming a mother changed my body and the realization that mental health played a pivotal role in my weight fluctuations.

  • Grieving and Weight as a Protector: The intimate connection between grief, emotional turmoil, and my body's protective response through weight gain.

  • Shopping and Social Anxiety: The emotional toll of shopping for a new size, and the impact of societal and cultural expectations on my self-esteem.

  • The Journey to Acceptance: My ongoing journey to accept my body, regardless of size, and find self-worth beyond societal norms.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Self-worth is not defined by numbers on a scale.

  2. The intersection of mental health and body acceptance.

  3. The power of rewriting our own narratives and embracing self-worth.


The Soul Inquiry for this episode is:

What is the gap between here (what I have/am) and there (what I want)?


I have everything I need within


Designed for women struggling with confidence, self-doubt, and negative inner voices, this training addresses the core of low self-worth. Break free from the cycle of self-doubt and foster a life of radiance, resilience, and unwavering self-worth.


Website - www.ligiacosta.co.uk
Instagram - www.instagram.com/iamligiacosta
Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/therealmofthegoddess
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/LigiaCosta

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