Letting Go of Emotional Baggage

Discover how to release the burdens of past beliefs, trauma, and fear that weigh you down. Unlock your true potential, overcome overwhelm, and live a life filled with confidence, clarity, and success. Join Ligia as she reveals the transformative power of breaking free from the baggage that hinders your progress.

Ligia Costa


Do you ever feel like there's something weighing you down, hindering your progress and holding you back from living the life you truly desire? We all carry with us a multitude of beliefs, pain, and fear, whether inherited from our ancestors and culture or internalized during our formative years. This baggage acts as a heavy burden, making us feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and unable to move forward. But what if I told you that you have the power to break free from this baggage and reclaim your true essence? In this blog post, we will explore the transformative journey of releasing past beliefs and traumas that no longer serve you. Join me as we dive into the process of letting go, finding clarity, and embracing your authentic self, leading to a life filled with confidence, joy, and success.

The Weight of Baggage

Imagine embarking on a hike with a massive, heavy backpack strapped to your shoulders. Initially, you might manage to walk for an hour or two, but as time goes on, the weight becomes unbearable. Your steps slow, your body aches and exhaustion sets in. This metaphor mirrors the experience of carrying emotional and psychological baggage throughout life. The beliefs, pain, and fear we carry act as a burden, gradually draining our energy and impeding our progress.

Breaking the Cycle 

It's crucial to recognize that all baggage starts somewhere, often as a result of external influences or societal conditioning. We absorb beliefs from our ancestors, cultural norms, and childhood experiences. However, we have the power to challenge and redefine these narratives. It begins with acknowledging that the baggage we carry isn't our own, but rather something we've carried forward.

Embracing Your Truth 

The truth is, you are in control of what defines you and what you choose to carry. It's time to reclaim your power and break free from the chains of what doesn't serve you. This journey starts with self-reflection and a willingness to let go of old patterns, limiting beliefs, and self-imposed restrictions.

Releasing the Burden 

To release the baggage that holds you back, you must confront your past traumas and deeply ingrained beliefs. It's not an easy task, but it's essential for your personal growth and well-being. Seek support from trusted individuals, therapists, or support groups who can guide you through this process. Allow yourself to express and process your emotions, forgiving yourself and others along the way.

Embracing Freedom

As you shed the weight of your baggage, you will experience a newfound sense of freedom. The overwhelming feelings will gradually fade away, leaving space for clarity, joy, and self-discovery. Your intuition will become clearer, guiding you towards your true desires and purpose in life. With a lighter load, you can move forward with confidence and enthusiasm, unencumbered by fear or negativity.

Breaking free from the baggage that weighs you down is a liberating journey. As you heal and let go of past traumas and beliefs, you'll experience a newfound sense of freedom, joy, and alignment. Embracing your true power allows you to live a life that reflects your desires, values, and aspirations. So, are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? It's time to release what no longer serves you and step into a future filled with limitless possibilities.

Love and healing,

Olá! I’m a Ligia, a Trauma Informed Self-Healing Teacher, Journaling Therapist and Soul Calling Reader.

As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) myself, I understand the profound depth at which you experience life. My sensitivity has been both a gift and a challenge, intensifying the impact of childhood trauma and shaping my journey of self-discovery and healing.

I work with Highly Sensitive Souls who desire to heal past wounds and embark on their own self-healing journey. Together, we will rediscover who you are at a soul level, remember your truth, and reconnect with your sensitivity and soul’s calling.

I am the Founder and creator of the T.R.U.S.T™ Pathway, a transformative methodology designed to help you move from being wounded to becoming a cycle breaker. Through this pathway, you will heal imprinted ancestral, societal, and childhood conditioning, live an abundantly aligned life, and break the lineage cycle of pain, trauma, and abuse for future generations.

My unique approach combines my life experience, clairvoyance ability, inherent sensitivity and trauma-informed healing. I believe that true healing happens by befriending your shadows, not disowning them. This trauma-informed perspective ensures that we address the root causes of your pain with compassion and understanding, creating a safe space for your healing journey.

As a survivor of childhood abuse, bullying, depression, and anxiety, I know firsthand the struggles of feeling lost, lonely, and disconnected from life. My sensitivity made these experiences even more intense, but it also equipped me with a deep understanding of the healing process. I also understand the fear of the unhealthy footprints that our experiences can leave on our children.

It is my life's mission to heal myself and to help inspire others to end the cycle of trauma and pain with them. By sharing my journey and guiding you through yours, I hope to create a ripple effect of healing and transformation.

Know that I believe you. I hear you. I see you. And I'm here to help you find your own power to self-heal and embrace your sensitivity.

My podcast, The Soulcery Podcast, supports and inspires people to be their own healers and connect with their souls.

Ligia Costa, Soul Guide, shadow worker, clairvoyant empath at the lavender fields in South Wales
Ligia Costa, Soul Guide, shadow worker, clairvoyant empath at the lavender fields in South Wales

About Ligia